Tuesday October 29, 2019 to Friday November 1, 2019

1. Critical Response

As part of the drama curriculum, you are to be able to watch a production and respond to it critically, creatively, and analytically.  You are to be able to research more information about the production and come up with thoughtful questions.  On Tuesday, you are going to watch The Trial of Louis Riel.  I want you to be able to ask some excellent questions after you watch it. 

So, to accommodate your excellent questions, I want you to think of some questions.  There are six words that start questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.  I would like you to think of a question for each, that you might have going to play on Tuesday.

Here is the link to website for The Trial of Louis Rielhttps://rielcoproductions.com/

2. Malcolm X

Along with watching "The Trial of Louis Riel", I thought you should also see an example of excellent acting by one of the most celebrated actors of our time, Denzel Washington (I am pretty great as an actor, but I am no Denzel).  If you are at a school computer, you can go to the website: https://www.criterionondemand.com/ and search up the movie MALCOLM X (or you can click on this link too).

As you watch the movie, create some jot notes.  Jot notes are quick one word or short phrases that you write to yourself, to help you remember a question you have.  You use jot notes because you don't have time to write down a whole idea during a movie or presentation.  You are writing something to jog your memory later.

I have also provided a link to the script for the movie here:  http://bit.ly/malcolmxscript