Visual & Cultural Arts - November 18 , 2019

1. Art Term: Wash – a thin watery consistency of paint diluted just with water.

2. Culture Assignment 
.....a) The learner developed an understanding that there is Spirit in all things.
.....b) The learner developed an understanding of  human relationships and what they encompass
.....c) The learner made connections between place and culture.
.....d) The learner demonstrated an understanding of and value for ceremony
.....e) The learner demonstrated an understanding  that language is powerful and creative
.....f) The learner assessed personal strengths and needs within the development of their own competencies and set goals for future improvement

3. Memory Project

4. Work Period

5. Clean Up

.....a) Counter Clean Up

.....b) Art Tools Clean Up
.....c) Sink Clean Up
.....d) Cupboard Clean Up
.....e) Shelf Clean UP