Drama - November 13, 2019

1. What does a Stage-Manager Do? - "Think About It" Handout

2. Monologues - Voice Recorders - Middleton Cross Examination Example

3. Different Roles within Stage-Management.

.....a) The Production Manager - this is the stage-manager in charge - will most likely call the cues in a show.
.....b) Assistant Stage Manager - the stage manager who runs the backstage
.....c) Production Assistant - helpers during the rehearsals and will be a crew member during the show

4. Types of props

.....a) Scenic Props
.....b) Hand Props
.....c) Set Dressing

5. Coaching

.....a) Gabi - 9:25
.....b) Aaron - 9:40

6. Drama Journals - bit.ly/dramajournal