1) ART TERM (copy)
Critical/Responsive means that you respond to artistic expressions using critical thinking, research, creativity, and collaborative inquiry.
2) Critical Response Assignment
..... a)What is your first impression of the artwork above?..... b)What is significant about the image above?
..... c)Who is the artist that created this image?
..... d)List ten important things you see with this image?
..... e)What makes this artwork unique?
..... f)Explain how effective is this image?
3) Work Period
..... b)Work on MIDTERM PROJECT
..... c)Work on MEMORY PROJECT
4) Clean-Up:
....a) Put away your drawings
....b) Put away any tools you used (pencils, erasers, charcoal, etc)
....c) Put away your folders
....d) Make sure your table is clean
....e) Make sure your chairs are pushed in (there should only be seven chairs at each table)