Monday October 28, 2019

1. Drama Term: 

MONOLOGUE - a form of dramatic entertainment in which a single actor speaks alone; soliloquy.

2. Survey Results:

On the night of Haunted House, I talked to 49 people and got their evaluation of Haunted House.  Here are the results of that survey:

3. Last Week's Drama Journal:

Last week was really about Haunted House, I would like you to reflect on the three stages of a "production" - Pre-production, Production Run, and Post-Production.  For each of these, think about two things you learned from each.  Haunted House was your exam on how "productions" work.  I would like you to provide me evidence of your learning about how a "production" works.  When I get back, I will provide some feedback to individuals about how I think their work went with Haunted House.

4. Final Production

There are still a few people who have not filled out this survey (cough, cough, Addy, Tianna, Ben, cough). 

5. Monologues

If you are in Grade 12, I would like you to find a monologue to perform.  If you are in Grade 12, I would like you to find a song to perform as a monologue (which we often refer to as a songologue).  This is going to be your next major project.  It will provide evidence for me on your learning about the imagination work, the physical work, and the voice work we have done for Drama.